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Dyslexia INSET Presentation & Activities

Dyslexia INSET Presentation & Activities

This is a resource bundle designed to support staff with helping students with dyslexia & processing difficulties. The main resource presentation is designed as a presentation/inset on Dyslexia for teachers and teaching assistants. It covers and explains the key areas of the dyslexic profile, linking theory with practical strategies for recognising and supporting learners with dyslexia in the classroom. It includes interactive content, discussion or work focus activities & video links. There are 42 slides in the presentation. The time frame for delivery is 1-2 hours depending upon how formal you make the activities and the extent to which linked videos are utilised. The presentation has been written by my wife who is a fully qualified dyslexia assessor & works for schools & Local Authorities on assessment & dyslexia provision. She has also included the following resources: 21 revision tips to support students with dyslexia a presentation on strategies to speed up processing A presentation on memory and mind mapping to support students with learning difficulties.